The value you want for less


Equipment Management Solutions (EMSolutions) help you increase up-time and reduce operating costs. Working with Cavpower, you can monitor location, fuel burn and utilisation, as well as health and maintenance issues like hours and fluid contamination.

Control Your Costs

Equipment management can help you reduce the owning and operating costs of your equipment in many ways. For example, remote monitoring and reducing idle time reduces fuel burn; timely equipment alerts let you catch small problems before they turn into expensive repairs.

Find out more about CavCare Maintenance Agreements.

Improve Operations

Make better and more informed operational decisions by knowing exactly where your machines are and when they are due for maintenance. By tracking machine location, availability and idle time, you’ll be able to quickly decide if you can use fewer machines to complete a job.

Reduce Your Risk

EM Services can help you mitigate risk by making sure equipment management gets done right and on time. Cavpower customise service packages to provide the best value to your business. You will deal with fewer uncertainties and have more time to devote to meeting your business objectives.

Help Your People Do More

Your staff often don’t have the time or training to pay proper attention to your equipment. Cat technologies help them work more efficiently while spending less time thinking about the condition of your machines.

Fleet Management

Technology-enabled fleet management solutions use electronics, communications software and analytics to support our customers by maximizing the uptime and efficiency of their equipment while minimizing the cost of ownership through lifecycle planning and management. Find out more about fleet management.

Want to improve your business with Equipment Management?

Contact our Equipment Management team to find our more about our range of Equipment Management Solutions.